The Eden Project | Signs your souls is ascending

November 29, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Eden Project

"Eve tasted the apple in the Garden of Eden in order to slake that intense thirst for knowledge that the simple pleasure of picking flowers and taking them to Adam could not satisfy" - Elizabeth Cady Stanton


Many of us who identify as having a feminine essence are still unconsciously caged be the stories of an Eden full of betrayal, temptation, and banishment.


We are haunted by the original sin of just BEING.


Women (or those with strong feminine energy) were tempted by the Serpent (also known as Power, Sensuality, Sexuality) to taste knowledge. Men (or those with strong masculine energy) were tempted by the curious Eve in all of us, to know the Truth. We have been punished and made to feel guilty by the epigenetics of this story ever since.


But there is so much more to this tale that has been omitted from its original texts to serve a dominating culture that vilifies the soul essence of human existence, especially women. What if Even was the awakener of mankind, and the snake was life force energy, also known as Kundalini. The apple is to tell us that our senses are important to an embodied consciousness that allows us to remember that we are spirits in a body, not bodies to be shamed.


More and more people are waking up to the Divinity within. This requires the reclaiming and unshaming of the feminine power within each of us, regardless of biological sex. This energy is the life force energy, the serpent power within, which is carried by the sensual flow of each breath. To stifle it, is to stifle the light within.


For those of us who believe that there is something wrong with the blaming of the feminine, with the fall of mankind, I have good news. Your soul may be on the path to a higher vibration. Here are some signs:


1) You are experiencing more and more synchronicities, including finding this post, and are tempted to know more.

2) Your body feels electrified and you have a sense of needing to "plug-in" and you feel spontaneous experiences of bliss and unconditional love.

3) Your senses are heightened.

4) You begin to see the mirror of your relationships.

5) You find that you are beginning "to know" things before they happen.


Let me know if this is you.


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