Let's Get Greedy: 7 Deadly Sins (Part 4)

October 18, 2014  •  2 Comments


"Money is like a Perfect Lover. All it wants to do is serve you and support you. All it requires, in return, is to be respected and appreciated."

- Barbara Stanny, Leading Authority on Money & Women

© Lord Coltrane, "Booty"



Women have a weird relationship with money. I know I do (or did).  Like almost every part of our bodies or lives, receiving or earning our "booty" has its place on the dark side.


I recently realized that I have this underlying conflict with "success."  I thought that people who made money were bad in some way. Or, only blood, sweat, and tears would get you to financial security.  Many women still believe that their masculine partners should be the bread winners.  But even if you can admit to loving the money you make, do you sometimes feel like you are working your (gorgeous) ass off more than your male colleagues?


© Lord Coltrane, "Revel in Abundance"



A leading expert on women and finance is Barbara Stanny.  She has written amazing books on women and their relationship with money.  She also offers classes and seminars to help women step into their power to claim wealth.  In a lecture I attended, she had us riveted by daring us to acknowledge our "call to greatness," showing us that we can be richly rewarded for our contributions, and coined the term "blissipline" - disciplined action of affluence centered around our own bliss.  She provides a very feminine approach to owning our worth and benefiting from it.  Amen!


Another juicy find is the 3F Report, it is business forecasting like no other.  Unlike the traditional consulting firms that tend to be very linear in their approach to business, this shamanism meets business perspective is more in tune with feminine intuition.  It is a sexier and smoother way to be fully aligned with the universal energy that leads to abundance.  They calculate the shifts that are happening on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. Here, a Business Leader and an Oracle/Futurist come together to consult the Akashic Records to access Divine Wisdom. They ask the right questions relating to overall business trends, or your personal finances.  They predict massive shifts in the way we do business today, and illuminate how our businesses can flow with it.  They just made our sexy greed that much easier!


© Lord Coltrane, Sexy Greed



Find out what your relationship is with money: Do you like it, or do you need it?  Learn to like it.  See money or abundance like nourishment.  You can fill yourself up with good stuff, or with bad stuff.  Keep your intentions and soul's purpose in alignment with your heart, and the money becomes something you can share (philanthropy), and nourished by (self expansion and information).

Investigate your soul's purpose.  What do you love to do? What do you desire? How can you contribute? What are you grateful for?

Align your life's desires with what you do "for a living."

Grow and Contribute:  Start investing in yourself.  Start giving back in generous ways. 

Consult with the Oracle!


Money is neither good or bad, it is just a thing that we use to trade goods and services.  It has no opinion, doesn't hold a gun to our heads to do the "wrong" thing with it.  In fact, one can do many great things with the money earned.  Let's learn to get a little greedy, and start having a love affair with abundance.




Yes loved this line - "Keep your intentions and soul's purpose in alignment with your heart, and the money becomes something you can share (philanthropy), and nourished by (self expansion and information)." A beautiful look at money.
Cynthia D'Amour(non-registered)
Thanks for mentioning the 3F Report Coltrane! Love this celebration of abundance in such a beautiful way.
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